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3 More Dacha Tactics!!

🔥We have added 3 new color-themed Dacha tactics since our last newsletter! Have you been keeping up with your sparring practice? If you haven't been keeping up, here's an interesting tactic that we call "Queen and Bishop Harmony - Mate in 2!" IM Yaacov&

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Dacha Tactics #121 - The wild king: Dark with light intentions part 2

Dacha Tactics #121 - The wild king: Dark with light intentions part 2
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Dacha Tactics #120 - The wild king: Dark with light intentions part 1

Dacha Tactics #120 - The wild king: Dark with light intentions part 1
Members Public

Dacha Tactics #119 - Queen and bishop harmony mate in 2!

Dacha Tactics #119 - Queen and bishop harmony mate in 2!
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Lichess Study

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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Lichess Study & New Videos!

Check out this Lichess study with several recent OTB games played by IM Yaacov. Enjoy! New Video Lessons! We're happy to share that another two video lessons are up on the YaacAttack Academy website. Have you seen our new membership tiers? If you've been considering membership,

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#88 Instructive slow-paced games featuring opposite colored bishops and how to use the Golden Bishop!

#88 Instructive slow-paced games featuring opposite colored bishops and how to use the Golden Bishop!
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#87 Instructive games with golden Bishop. A pawn is a pawn, and here we are!

#87 Instructive games with golden Bishop.  A pawn is a pawn, and here we are!
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25 Free Tactics! Last week!

Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we've been offering 25 of our color-themed chess tactics for free – little by little – over the last several weeks. This is week #6 – our last week! Keep your Dacha instincts sharp. 🎯Tactic #98 - "Classic light faith."🎯Tactic

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25 Free Tactics! Week #5

Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we're be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #5. 🎯Tactic #102 - "Hips don't lie...same for color money."🎯Tactic #101 - "The

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#86 instructive slow games, bishop pair doing their thing & tying up the knights!

#86 instructive slow games, bishop pair doing their thing & tying up the knights!
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#85 Instructive slow paced games: Featuring Golden bishop and Bishop pair clinic!

#85 Instructive slow paced games: Featuring Golden bishop and Bishop pair clinic!
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25 Free Tactics! Week #4

Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we're be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #4. 🎯Tactic #106 - "The light dance! - squeezing that tempo."🎯Tactic #105 - "Knight is the

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25 Free Tactics! Week #3

Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we're be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #3. 🎯Tactic #110 - "Dark chocolate ... with a hint of light caramel"🎯Tactic #109 - "Queen acts

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25 Free Tactics! Week #2

Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we'll be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #2. 🎯Tactic #114 - "Abe Turner - oozing dark"🎯Tactic #113 - "All the players participate in

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Another video lesson posted!

We've added a new video lesson highlighting Dacha themes in some very interesting games. Watch IM Yaacov go through some of his online blitz games with an instructive classic knight vs bishop duels. Enjoy! Have you seen our new membership tiers? If you've been considering membership,

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#84 instructive games with color discussions featuring bishop vs knight and a surprise finish

#84 instructive games with color discussions featuring bishop vs knight and a surprise finish
Members Public

25 Free Tactics! Week #1

We just added 4 new color-themed tactics to the academy! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we'll be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #1. 🎯Tactic #118 - "Silent Dark"🎯Tactic #117 - "

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Dacha Tactics #118 - Silent dark!

Dacha Tactics #118 - Silent dark!
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Dacha Tactics #117 - Pathway to light heaven!

Dacha Tactics #117 - Pathway to light heaven!
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Dacha Tactics #116 - Golden bishop shining bright

Dacha Tactics #116 - Golden bishop shining bright
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Dacha Tactics #115 - Abe turner - dark scorpion tail!

Dacha Tactics #115 - Abe turner - dark scorpion tail!
Members Public

New Tactics!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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Dacha Tactics #114 - Abe Turner - oozing dark

Dacha Tactics #114 - Abe Turner - oozing dark
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Dacha Tactics #113 - All the players participate in the dacha!!

Dacha Tactics #113 - All the players participate in the dacha!!
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Dacha Tactics #112 - Golden light bishop doing magic

Dacha Tactics #112 - Golden light bishop doing magic
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Dacha Tactics #111 - Silent light!!

Dacha Tactics #111 - Silent light!!
Members Public

3 New Tactics & 2 Video Lessons!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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Dacha Tactics #110 - Dark chocolate ... with a hint of light caramel

Dacha Tactics #110 - Dark chocolate ... with a hint of light caramel
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Dacha Tactics #109 - Queen acts as...

Dacha Tactics #109 - Queen acts as...
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Dacha Tactics #108 - Charlotte's light web

Dacha Tactics #108 - Charlotte's light web
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#83 some instructive games and world championship color discussions!

#83 some instructive games and world championship color discussions!
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#82 Blitz Battles with young talent Tani discussing dark money and the Queen and Knight dangerous combo

#82 Blitz Battles with young talent Tani discussing dark money and the Queen and Knight dangerous combo
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New Tactics!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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Dacha Tactics #107 - Queen goes back to acting school.

Dacha Tactics #107 - Queen goes back to acting school.
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Dacha Tactics #106 - The light dance!- squeezing that tempo.

Dacha Tactics #106 - The light dance!- squeezing that tempo.
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Dacha Tactics #105 - Knight is the light undertaker...bishop pair mocked!

Dacha Tactics #105 - Knight is the light undertaker...bishop pair mocked!
Members Public

#81 Slower paced games! Featuring dark cheesecake and Budapest Boden mate dacha.

#81 Slower paced games! Featuring dark cheesecake and Budapest Boden mate dacha.
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Dacha Tactics #104 - Knight got dark bling bling

Dacha Tactics #104 - Knight got dark bling bling
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#80 Instructive games featuring a Yaacattack Stonewall special - bishop followed by queen sacrifice!! with light rebuild.

#80 Instructive games featuring a Yaacattack Stonewall special - bishop followed by queen sacrifice!! with light rebuild.
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Dacha Tactics #103 - Cashing in all that dark money

Dacha Tactics #103 - Cashing in all that dark money
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#79 Instructive games, forming plans when color money is balanced , and endgame backgammon dacha!

#79 Instructive games, forming plans when color money is balanced , and endgame  backgammon dacha!
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Dacha Tactics #102 - Hips don't lie...same for color money.

Dacha Tactics #102 - Hips don't lie...same for color money.
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Dacha Tactics #101 - The overly eager king.

Dacha Tactics #101 - The overly eager king.
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Dacha Tactics #100 - Dark Zinger.

Dacha Tactics #100 - Dark Zinger.
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#78 Karpov Vs. Yasser the great positional masters battle. Dark nuggets with final dark blow!

#78 Karpov Vs. Yasser the great positional masters battle. Dark nuggets with final dark blow!
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Dacha Tactics #99 - Bughouse dacha.

Dacha Tactics #99 - Bughouse dacha.
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#77 The great Karpov displays the smoothest of light dachas, featuring an old lesson from GM Edmar Mednis!

#77 The great Karpov displays the smoothest of light dachas,  featuring an old lesson from GM Edmar Mednis!
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#76 Instructive games focusing on fianchetto bishops, dacha opening traps and leverage dacha!

#76 Instructive games focusing on fianchetto bishops, dacha opening traps and leverage dacha!
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Youtube Yaac Attack!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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Win vs Hans! New Video Lesson

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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#75 Win vs Hans! Instructive dark money edge from opening thru endgame. Featuring dacha blitz tactic for dessert.

#75 Win vs Hans! Instructive dark money edge from opening thru endgame. Featuring dacha blitz tactic for dessert.
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Youtube Yaac Attack!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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4 New Tactics & 1 Video Lesson!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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#74 Blitz battles featuring instructive knight vs bishop endgames and the pawn endgame transitions.

#74 Blitz battles featuring instructive knight vs bishop endgames and the pawn endgame transitions.
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Dacha Tactics #98 - Classic light faith.

Dacha Tactics #98 - Classic light faith.
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Dacha Tactics #97 - Unlocking the gates.

Dacha Tactics #97 - Unlocking the gates.
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Dacha Tactics #96 - Dark medley.

Dacha Tactics #96 - Dark medley.
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Dacha Tactics #95 - Dark surprise - not a coincidence.

Dacha Tactics #95 - Dark surprise - not a coincidence.
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5 New Tactics & 1 Video Lesson!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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Dacha Tactics #94 - Earthquake Dacha!

Dacha Tactics #94 - Earthquake Dacha!
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Dacha Tactics #93 - Bronstein opens the dark flood gates.

Dacha Tactics #93 - Bronstein opens the dark flood gates.
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Dacha Tactics #92 - Dark highway to Rome.

Dacha Tactics #92 - Dark highway to Rome.
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Dacha Tactics #91 - Extreme light faith.

Dacha Tactics #91 - Extreme light faith.
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Dacha Tactics #90 - Dark money taken to the bank.

Dacha Tactics #90 - Dark money taken to the bank.
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#73 David Bronstein displays dark sorcery! Classic back to back exchange sacrifices with dark intentions

#73 David Bronstein displays dark sorcery! Classic back to back exchange sacrifices with dark intentions
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Discord & New Video Lesson!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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#72 Instructive examples of Golden bishops, don't be fancy, and prediction Dacha finale!

#72 Instructive examples of Golden bishops, don't be fancy, and prediction Dacha finale!
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Another video lesson posted!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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#71 Humble patient dacha! With classic knight Vs. bishop duels!

#71 Humble patient dacha! With classic knight Vs. bishop duels!
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Congratulations! 🎉

You have won a prize of Greenwald Pesach YaacAttack Chess Camp. Your password is: PesachChessPrize To sign up and claim your prize, please email Coach Yaacov ( with your name and password and you'll automatically be registered with a complimentary private Zoom lesson. See you soon!

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Another video lesson posted!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

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#70 Instructive Bishop vs Knight duels Ft. spicy 5-0 finish vs Indian IM

#70 Instructive Bishop vs Knight duels Ft. spicy 5-0 finish vs Indian IM
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New Membership Tiers!

It's time to jump in. New Video Lesson! We've added a new video lesson highlighting Dacha themes in some very interesting games. Watch IM Yaacov go through some of his online blitz games with spicy dacha endgame mates and learning from the great Lajos Portisch. Enjoy!

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#69 Blitz battles - spicy dacha endgame mates, learning from the great Lajos Portisch

#69 Blitz battles - spicy dacha endgame mates, learning from the great Lajos Portisch
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New Tactics & Video Lessons!

Have you been keeping up with your Dacha tactics? Be sure to check out twelve new tactics, and see if you solve this new one we added, below: New Videos! We've added a new video lesson highlighting Dacha themes in some very interesting games. Watch IM Yaacov go

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Dacha Tactics #89 - rarest of rare -- dark Dacha stairway to heaven!

Dacha Tactics #89 - rarest of rare -- dark Dacha stairway to heaven!
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Dacha Tactics #88 - dark pin, forks and spoons galore!

Dacha Tactics #88 - dark pin, forks and spoons galore!
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Dacha Tactics #87 - full light explosion in real time

Dacha Tactics #87 - full light explosion in real time
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Dacha Tactics #86 - the sleeper Golden Bishop

Dacha Tactics #86 - the sleeper Golden Bishop
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Dacha Tactics #85 - light bishop turns dark

Dacha Tactics #85 - light bishop turns dark
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Dacha Tactics #84 - Dark investments paying light dividends

This was an interesting game of mine. Our king seems a bit safer than his , what with his dark weaknesses and the slight delay in castling. Also note on the queen side how our knights are in party mode and our dark bishop is enjoying the dark pressure. Color money

Dacha Tactics #84 - Dark investments paying light dividends
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Dacha Tactics #83 - Lil August creating dark magic -- Part 2

Dacha Tactics #83 - Lil August creating dark magic -- Part 2
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Dacha Tactics #82 - Lil August creating dark magic -- Part 1

Dacha Tactics #82 - Lil August creating dark magic -- Part 1
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Dacha Tactics #81 - GothemChess topples the light resistence

Dacha Tactics #81 - GothemChess topples the light resistence
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Dacha Tactics #80 - Hikaru unleashes the Golden Bishop

Dacha Tactics #80 - Hikaru unleashes the Golden Bishop
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Dacha Tactics #79 - yearning for dark, purest of pure

Dacha Tactics #79 - yearning for dark, purest of pure
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Dacha Tactics #78 - light peekabo Dacha

Dacha Tactics #78 - light peekabo Dacha
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Dacha Tactics #77 - oozing light!

Dacha Tactics #77 - oozing light!
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#68 Blitz battles with symbolic dacha moments, win vs Naroditsky using important light zwischenzug

#68 Blitz battles with symbolic dacha moments, win vs Naroditsky using important light zwischenzug
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#67 Nailbiter vs Nigel Short Instructive Golden- -dark Bishop endgames!

#67 Nailbiter vs Nigel Short Instructive Golden- -dark Bishop endgames!
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#66 Exquisite display of Golden Bishop and bishop pair by Fischer

#66 Exquisite display of Golden Bishop and bishop pair by Fischer
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New Tactics & Video Lessons!

Have you been keeping up with your Dacha tactics? Be sure to check out the seven new tactics, and see if you remember how to solve this oldie but goodie, below: New Videos! We've added a new video lesson highlighting Dacha themes in some very interesting games. Watch

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Dacha Tactics #76 - Final light straw!!

Dacha Tactics #76 - Final light straw!!
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Dacha Tactics #75 - Dark dacha by hook or by crook.

Dacha Tactics #75 - Dark dacha by hook or by crook.
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Dacha Tactics #74 - King and knight heroic dark!!

Dacha Tactics #74 - King and knight heroic dark!!
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Dacha Tactics #73 - Extreme Dark Faith

Dacha Tactics #73 - Extreme Dark Faith
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Dacha Tactics #72 - Carlsen hiccup!! dark pawn dacha.

Dacha Tactics #72 - Carlsen hiccup!! dark pawn dacha.
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Dacha Tactics #71 - Dark splash!

Dacha Tactics #71 - Dark splash!
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Dacha Tactics #70 - Immortal dacha walk!

Dacha Tactics #70 - Immortal dacha walk!