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New Tactics!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

Team Yaac Attack
2 min read

Have you been keeping up with your Dacha tactics? We've added four new tactics today, and here's one of them. In this position, what would you do? If you're a member of either the Dacha Tactics Club or the Dacha Sparring Club, you can compare your answer to Yaacov's at the Academy.

Silent Night! A cool puzzle I came across, the idea is to form a mating net for black's king. We are up a piece, a golden dark bishop – let's look to use our inherent dark and to infuse with light energy of all our pieces! Rooks, pawns, king...

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Free weekly tactic:

If you're not a Dacha Tactics Club or Dacha Sparring Club member, you still need to stay sharp – here's a freebie:

An exciting position! Starting from a YaacAttack Stonewall , where white usually plays on light, the focus here seems to have switched to dark. The color $ will also guide us this way – knight vs his light bishop means that we are -500 light, but +500 on dark. If we take note, there are some juicy pieces on dark - namely king and queen. Let's dip in & prove that they are merely fodder for our dark attack! See the answer here.

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