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Dacha Tactics #31 - battle versus Caruana, knight showing light juice!

Team Yaac Attack
1 min read
Dacha Tactics #31 - battle versus Caruana, knight showing light juice!

Battle vs Caruana! We are black here, in a bit of a time scramble. How to begin? Well let's see the color $$ -- knight his dark bishop. So we are ahead on light, he's ahead on dark. There are some juicy opportunities for our knight on d3, e2...and already it's quite cozy on d5 ( all light). His piece coordination isn't great either....let's look for light knockout opportunities...

Interact with the puzzle below. If you get stuck, you can always click the "lightbulb" icon in the lower-left of the puzzle frame. Good luck!

Watch IM Yaacov solve and explain the puzzle in the video below.

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