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5 New Tactics & 1 Video Lesson!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

Team Yaac Attack
2 min read

We've added a new video lesson highlighting Dacha themes in a very interesting game. David Bronstein displays dark sorcery! Classic back-to-back exchange sacrifices with dark intentions.

White just pushed. You're black -- what's your move? Find out what move was made.

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Free weekly tactic:

Have you been staying sharp? Let's find out. We've also added 5 new Dacha color-inspired tactics, with more to added very soon...

After an exciting Budapest gambit skirmish, a strange position has arisen. His king isn't great but our powerful "sleeping" knight is getting booted. Or is it? Neither side has dark bishops so dark will always be an important and sought-after color. Sometimes this is through mini bishops, sometimes it's a queen on dark, and sometimes it's other ways. Let's dig deep for dark harmony! Click to see the answer.


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