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Youtube Yaac Attack!

YaacAttack Chess Academy with IM Yaacov and NM Logozar.

Team Yaac Attack
1 min read

Have you been keeping up with IM Yaacove on Youtube? Well, check out this Budapest short against a CM.

Also, from IM Yaacov's "Paving the road to 2900" on Twitch, see this full 3:00-min game with Yaacov playing as white.

Subscribe, watch, and have some fun with Yaacov. Yaacov on Youtube! and Yaacov on Twitch!

Free weekly tactic:

Have you been staying sharp? Let's find out.

This is a beautiful tactic by the great Adolf Anderssen from the 1800s. Clearly, we are doing very well and have an attack brewing against the white king, but how to proceed? As always -- we begin by assessing the Facts -- color facts! The imbalance is light (Golden) bishop for us and knight for him. Which means we are ahead on light, he is ahead on dark. Which light squares are accessible to us? Let's have some faith in our golden bishop and peer in deeply -- do not take "No" for an answer... Click here for the answer.

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